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Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज
|रचनाकार=केशव कल्पान्त
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मार्शल की परिभाषा को भी,
नये-नये सपनों में होता ॥35॥
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The definition by Marshall is free,
From drawbacks we cannot say.
Is it the best in the present age,
Nor can we freely say.
According to learned Robbins,
The definition by Marshall is untrue.
As the difference of material and immaterial,
Is not understandable without a clue.
Is the ordinary behaviour of man,
In real life ever reflected.
The word in Marshall's definition,
Appears to be wrongly selected.
Can Economics be limited within,
Bounds of happiness worldly.
Activities quite remote from the world,
Do sustain a life really.
The only aim of Economic Welfare,
Of man is not justifiable.
Evaluation of human welfare,
With the scale of wealth undesirable.
Robbins, the beloved of all, was,
The renowned philosopher of London.
With the help of new pigment and brush,
He graced its image anon.
The palace of Economics is,
On four fundamental facts raised.
The existence of life is,
On some real elements based.
Man has a bundle of wants,
With great heaviness indeed.
The next is ready in a new form,
As soon as the first is fulfilled.
Means are limited, friend,
Whereas wants are unlimited.
Wants in relation to means,
Are always, you know, unlimited.
Limited means are used, indeed,
In alternative forms.
But the desire in novel dreams,
Daily itself informs.