भारत की संस्कृति के लिए... भाषा की उन्नति के लिए... साहित्य के प्रसार के लिए

"शर्मनाक समय / मनमोहन" के अवतरणों में अंतर

Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज
(नया पृष्ठ: {{KKGlobal}} {{KKRachna |रचनाकार=मनमोहन |संग्रह= }} कैसा शर्मनाक समय है जीवित मित...)
(इसी सदस्य द्वारा किया गया बीच का एक अवतरण नहीं दर्शाया गया)
पंक्ति 2: पंक्ति 2:
|संग्रह=ज़िल्लत की रोटी / मनमोहन
कैसा शर्मनाक समय है
जीवित मित्र मिलता है
तो उससे ज़्यादा उसकी स्मृति
उपस्थित रहती है
कैसा शर्मनाक समय है
और उस स्मृति के प्रति
बची खुची कृतज्ञता
जीवित मित्र मिलता है  
या कभी कोई मिलता है
अपने साथ ख़ुद से लम्बी
अपनी आगामी छाया लिए
तो उससे ज़्यादा उसकी स्मृति
'''लीजिए, अब पढ़िए इस कविता के चार विभिन्न अँग्रेज़ी अनुवाद'''
Man Mohan
What awful times these are
One meets an old friend
And what marks the occasion is
His old self
And gratitude
For the remnants of memory
And sometimes there is the one
Carrying the burden of shadows
Still in the future
(Translated from Hindi by Nalini Taneja)
* * *
Man Mohan
Disgraceful times—
you meet a friend, he's
Yet more than him there is
his remembrance.
And whatsoever remains
of gratitude
for the remembrance.
Or sometimes
someone meets you,
lugging with him
his coming shadow,
taller than him.
(Translated by Rajesh Sharma )
* * *
What a shameful time
One meets a living friend
More than him, his memory
Presents itself
And towards such memory
Is one's leftover gratitude
Or does someone meet
With his future shadow
Taller than him?
(Translated by Pallavi Prasad)
उपस्थित रहती है
* * *
और उस स्मृति के प्रति
Man Mohan
बची-खुची कृतज्ञता
in these shameful times
Meeting a friend who still lives
Is finding memories of him mean much more
Than his present self
या कभी कोई मिलता है
And that feeling of gratefulness
Towards whatever is left of that memory
अपने साथ ख़ुद से लम्बी
Or else one meets someone
Dragging with him
The tall shadows of his future
अपनी आगामी छाया लिए !
(Translated by Asad Zaidi)

01:28, 1 जून 2019 के समय का अवतरण

कैसा शर्मनाक समय है
जीवित मित्र मिलता है
तो उससे ज़्यादा उसकी स्मृति
उपस्थित रहती है

और उस स्मृति के प्रति
बची खुची कृतज्ञता

या कभी कोई मिलता है
अपने साथ ख़ुद से लम्बी
अपनी आगामी छाया लिए

लीजिए, अब पढ़िए इस कविता के चार विभिन्न अँग्रेज़ी अनुवाद
Man Mohan

What awful times these are
One meets an old friend
And what marks the occasion is
His old self

And gratitude
For the remnants of memory

And sometimes there is the one
Carrying the burden of shadows
Still in the future

(Translated from Hindi by Nalini Taneja)

  • * *

Man Mohan

Disgraceful times—
you meet a friend, he's
Yet more than him there is
his remembrance.

And whatsoever remains
of gratitude
for the remembrance.

Or sometimes
someone meets you,
lugging with him
his coming shadow,
taller than him.

(Translated by Rajesh Sharma )

  • * *


What a shameful time
One meets a living friend
More than him, his memory
Presents itself

And towards such memory
Is one's leftover gratitude

Or does someone meet
With his future shadow
Taller than him?

(Translated by Pallavi Prasad)

  • * *

Man Mohan

in these shameful times
Meeting a friend who still lives
Is finding memories of him mean much more
Than his present self

And that feeling of gratefulness
Towards whatever is left of that memory

Or else one meets someone
Dragging with him
The tall shadows of his future

(Translated by Asad Zaidi)