समस्तीपुर से मेरा प्यार एक भ्रम था
वह कोई ज़िला-विला नहीं है
मैं वहाँ कभी नहीं गया
फिर वह कौन था जो कहता था
पंजाबी कॉलोनी गली नम्बर एक में आ जाइए
या रुकिए मैं अभी रेलगुमटी पर हूँ वहीं मिल लेते हैं
ये सब एक ग़ायब हो गई लड़की के चक्कर में हुआ
समस्तीपुर उसी का मायालोक था
उसी के साथ ग़ायब हो गया
Amitabh Bachchan
My love for Samastipur was an invention
There is no such district or locality
I never went there
But who was it who said
Come to the Street No. 1 in Punjabi Colony
Or wait, right now I am at the railway crossing, let’s meet there
All this happened courtesy a girl who went missing
Samastipur was her phantom
It disappeared with her.
(Translation from Hindi by Asad Zaidi)
It was but an illusion, my love of Samastipur
There wasn’t such a district town
Nor had I ever been there
Who was it, then, who kept asking
To come over to Punjabi Colony, Street no. 1
Or to hold on; for we could rather meet where she was right then
At the railway crossing
All of this had to do with a girl who vanished
Samastipur was so much her fantasy world
It too vanished with her
(Translation from Hindi Bhupinder Brar)
My love for Samastipur was an apparition
It isn't even a district
I have never been there
Then who was it who used to say
Come to Punjabi Colony, Lane No. 1
Or wait, I am at the railway crossing, let's meet there
All this affair was due to a girl who disappeared
Samastipur was her iillusory world
It disappeared with her
(Translation from Hindi Manash Firaq)