कार्यस्थल: राजस्थान की प्रशासकीय सेवा में(1977 के बैच में)डिप्टी सेक्रेटरी, राजकीय जल संसाधन योजना विभाग, सचिवालय, जयपुर
फ़ोन : 0141- 2385265 (कार्यालय) 0141- 2381933 (निवास)
ई-मेल: hemantshesh AT @ rediffmail.com ई-मेल: hemantshesh AT @ gmail.com
प्रमुख प्रकाशित पुस्तकें :
7. "अशुद्ध सारंग"(कविता-संग्रह) ……… पंचशील प्रकाशन (1992) जयपुर
8. "क्षत kasht के लिए क्षमा"(कविता-संग्रह) ……… संघी प्रकाशन (1995) जयपुर
9. "रंग अगर रंग हैं"(कविता-संग्रह) …………बोहरा प्रकाशन (1995) जयपुर
13. “बहुत कुछ जैसे कुछ नहीं” (कविता-संग्रह) ……………. वाणी प्रकाशन ( 2008) नई दिल्ली
14."Saundaryashastra Ke Prashna"(Art & Aesthetics) ……………. National Publishing House (2000) New Delhi 15."Kala-Vimarsh" (Discourses on Arts and literature) …………… National Publishing House (2000) New Delhi 16." Bhartiya Kalaa-Roop"(Indian Art-Forms)……………………… National …National Publishing House (2000) New Delhi 17."Bhartiyata Kee Dharanaa" : (Collection of Essays on Indianness)…… National ……National Publishing House, (2005) Delhi 18. "भारतीय रंगमंच" : (On Indian theatre)………………………नेशनल …नेशनल पब्लिशिंग हाउस, (2005) नई दिल्ली 19.” जलती हुई नदी “(sampadit कविता-संकलन) ………… शिक्षा …शिक्षा विभाग, राजस्थान सरकार, (2006) बीकानेर20. “कलाओं की मूल्य-दृष्टि” ……………… .वाणी प्रकाशन (2008) नई दिल्ली
28. "सदी के अंत में कविता" उद्भावना प्रकाशन (1998) मुजफ़्फ़रनगर
Major Unpublished Books
32. "Prapanch Saar Subodhni": (Poetry collection)
Journals and Periodicals Edited
Biography included in the following Anthologies
1. International Writer's Catalogue (1977) for American Libraries, USIS,Washington DC (1971)
12. International Writer's Catalogue Jaipur : Art and Artists (1977) for American Libraries, USIS , Washington DC (1971)Rajasthan Lalit Kala academy
2. Jaipur : Art and Artists (1977)
3. Who's Who of Indian Writers (1983) and (1999) Saahitya Academy, New Delhi
20. Additional Director, Directorate of women empowerment, Jaipur (2008)
21. Deputy Secretary, State water Resources Planning Department, Secretariat, Jaipur (2008- )
Awards, Felicitations and Honors Offered/ Received
• Was awarded commendation certificate and First prize for "extraordinary" services as Principal Officer In-charge of the "Rajasthan Pavilion" in India International Trade Fair 1979 organized by Trade Fair Authority of India, Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi
• Was honored by the Chief Minister, Rajasthan for editing Rajasthan Administrative Service Ofiicers’ literary magazine “Pratidwani” on 13th July 2002
• Was nominated by Gemini Academy, Panipat for the “RamVriksha Benipuri Birth Centenary Felicitation”
• Was declared "Man of the Year" by American Biographical Institute (2008)