मुझे साँस लेना सिखाओ, ताकि मुझे अहसास हो कि मैं डूब नहीं रहा ।
वज्रपात से आहत वृक्ष की तरह मुझे टूटना सिखाओ ।
सिखाओ मुझे प्रेम करना जो स्वामित्वता से मुक्त हो ।
सिखाओ । मुझे सिखाओ ।
मैं बर्फ़ पर गिरे खून के एक धब्बे की तरह ।
मैं बारिश में बहे छाई की राख ।
मैं अपने घुटनों पर घण्टों गिरा कांपता हुआ एक मनुष्य ।
सिखाओ । मुझे सिखाओ ।
और अब यही कविता मूल अमरीकी अँग्रेज़ी में पढ़ें।
Prayer to the Air
Teach me to breathe, that I know I am not drowning
Teach me to break like lightning-scalded tree.
Teach me to love that love is never owning.
Teach me. Teach me.
I am the stain of blood spilled on the glacial snow.
I am the ashes washed by rain from the scree.
I am the trembling man who kneels for hours below.
Teach me. Teach me.
I have taken the knife coldly to some I love.
I have Killed beauty, allowing beauty to be
before the fear could kill me. Storms above,
Teach me. Teach me.