Last modified on 27 अगस्त 2018, at 17:30

"अर्थशाला / भाग 4 / केशव कल्पान्त" के अवतरणों में अंतर

('{{KKGlobal}} {{KKRachna |रचनाकार=केशव कल्पान्त }} <poem> अनन्त-इच्छा, सी...' के साथ नया पन्ना बनाया)
(इसी सदस्य द्वारा किया गया बीच का एक अवतरण नहीं दर्शाया गया)
पंक्ति 3: पंक्ति 3:
|रचनाकार=केशव कल्पान्त
|रचनाकार=केशव कल्पान्त
<table style="width:100%; background:transparent">
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अनन्त-इच्छा, सीमित-साधन पर,
अनन्त-इच्छा, सीमित-साधन पर,
पंक्ति 78: पंक्ति 80:
शिक्षा से मन को धेकर तुम,
शिक्षा से मन को धेकर तुम,
परमपूर्ण आनन्द उठा लो ॥50॥
परमपूर्ण आनन्द उठा लो ॥50॥
Man always pondens over,
Unlimited ends and limited means.
This is the very point from
Where Economics begins.
On every step in life,
Occasions of decision arise.
This is the criterion of Robbins,
Whence Economic results arise.
Differences were removed,
By the definition of Robbins.
It showed the forms of humanity,
With the background of Economics.
The study of the real does come,
Within the scope of Economics.
While the unreal and the abnormal,
Are exceptions in Economics.
Economic laws are always,
Judged by inductive method.
And by common application,
Are they universally accepted.
Wootton, Beveridge and Fraser too,
Blamed Robbins bitterly.
And told the blemishes,
In the definition critically.
Difference between Means and Ends,
Could not be made clear.
Mutually are they as dependent,
As do not tend to sever.
Inductive Method is unable,
To make Economic laws.
It is the Deductive Method alone,
Which is true for scientific laws.
The scope of Economics, indeed,
Was widened by Robbins' views.
Its significance was reduced,
Through lack of practical views.
The new change was shown,
By the definition of Robbins alone.
Indian culture was the base of,
Mehta's views alone.
'Simple living and high thinking',
Was made the basic ideal.
Doing away with wants alone,
Was a great Economic ideal.
A want conscious or unconscious,
Pinches every man or wight .
And the pangs of the grievous heart,
Divest him of all delight.
Man suffers from pain,
Arising from his wants endless.
Learning the state of want lessness,
Drifts in utter widerness.
Put your wants under check,
For eternal happiness in life.
The contented is the happiest,
Ought to be the motto of life.
Keep away your mind soon,
From the outer allurement.
And cleanse and educate yourself,
To enjoy the great contentment.

17:30, 27 अगस्त 2018 के समय का अवतरण

अनन्त-इच्छा, सीमित-साधन पर,
मानव नित चिन्तन करता है।
क्षितिज बिन्दु बस यही जहाँ से,
अर्थशास्त्र मन्थन करता है ॥36॥

जीवन-क्रम में कदम-कदम पर,
‘निर्णय’ के अवसर आते हैं।
‘मापदण्ड रोबिन्स’ इसी से,
अर्थ-क्रिया का पफल पाते हैं ॥37॥

श्री रोबिन्स महोदय की ही,
परिभाषा ने भेद मिटाये।
अर्थशास्त्र की पृष्ठभूमि पर,
मानवता के रूप दिखाये ॥38॥

अर्थशास्त्र के घेरे में तो,
वस्तु सत्य का ही अध्ययन है।
झूठ काल्पनिक लक्ष्य यही तो,
अर्थशास्त्र का उल्लंघन है ॥39॥

निगमन-विधि की ही सुरीति से,
नियम आर्थिक नित जँचते हैं।
सार्वभौम प्रयोगों से ही,
व्यापकता धारणा करते हैं ॥40॥

‘वूटन’ ‘बेवरिज’ व ‘प्रफेजर’ ने,
रोबिन्स पर आरोप लगाये।
कटु आलोचनात्मक ढंग से,
परिभाषा में दोष गिनाये ॥41॥

लक्ष्य और साधना का अन्तर,
कुछ स्पष्ट नहीं हो पाया।
एक दूसरे पर आश्रित हैं,
पृथक नहीं इनकी दो काया ॥42॥

सृजन हेतु आर्थिक नियमों के,
सक्षम नहीं निगमन-प्रणाली।
अर्थशास्त्र की वैज्ञानिकता पर,
सत्य यही आगमन-प्रणाली ॥43॥

रोबिन्स जी के इस विचार ने,
अर्थशास्त्र का क्षेत्र बढ़ाया।
व्यावहारिकता के विचार से,
इसका अति अस्तित्व घटाया ॥44॥

रोबिन्स की ही परिभाषा में,
नूतन परिवर्तन दिखलाया।
भारतीय सांस्कृतिक तथ्य को,
मेहता ने आधर बनाया ॥45॥

सादा जीवनोच्च विचार का,
कुछ मौलिक आदर्श बनाया।
इच्छाओं का परित्याग ही,
अर्थशास्त्र-उत्कर्ष बताया ॥46॥

चेतन और अचेतन इच्छा,
मानव को पीड़ित करती है।
उत्पीड़ित मन की अनुभूति,
जीवन का हर सुख हरती है ॥47॥

इच्छा के ही जनित कष्ट से,
मानव दुःख भोगा करता है।
सरल, सुखद, निस्पृहता तज कर,
दिग्भ्रम में भटका करता है ॥48॥

चिर-सुख चिर-आनन्द हेतु ही,
इच्छाओं का दमन करो तुम।
संतोषी ही परम सुखी है,
जीवन का अवलम्ब धरो तुम ॥49॥

बाहर के आकर्षण से तुम,
अपने मन को दूर हटा लो।
शिक्षा से मन को धेकर तुम,
परमपूर्ण आनन्द उठा लो ॥50॥

Man always pondens over,
Unlimited ends and limited means.
This is the very point from
Where Economics begins.

On every step in life,
Occasions of decision arise.
This is the criterion of Robbins,
Whence Economic results arise.

Differences were removed,
By the definition of Robbins.
It showed the forms of humanity,
With the background of Economics.

The study of the real does come,
Within the scope of Economics.
While the unreal and the abnormal,
Are exceptions in Economics.

Economic laws are always,
Judged by inductive method.
And by common application,
Are they universally accepted.

Wootton, Beveridge and Fraser too,
Blamed Robbins bitterly.
And told the blemishes,
In the definition critically.

Difference between Means and Ends,
Could not be made clear.
Mutually are they as dependent,
As do not tend to sever.

Inductive Method is unable,
To make Economic laws.
It is the Deductive Method alone,
Which is true for scientific laws.

The scope of Economics, indeed,
Was widened by Robbins' views.
Its significance was reduced,
Through lack of practical views.

The new change was shown,
By the definition of Robbins alone.
Indian culture was the base of,
Mehta's views alone.

'Simple living and high thinking',
Was made the basic ideal.
Doing away with wants alone,
Was a great Economic ideal.

A want conscious or unconscious,
Pinches every man or wight .
And the pangs of the grievous heart,
Divest him of all delight.

Man suffers from pain,
Arising from his wants endless.
Learning the state of want lessness,
Drifts in utter widerness.

Put your wants under check,
For eternal happiness in life.
The contented is the happiest,
Ought to be the motto of life.

Keep away your mind soon,
From the outer allurement.
And cleanse and educate yourself,
To enjoy the great contentment.