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"नाना / चार्ल्स बुकोवस्की / अनिल जनविजय" के अवतरणों में अंतर

Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज
('{{KKGlobal}} {{KKRachna |रचनाकार=चार्ल्स बुकोवस्की |अनुवादक=अनिल...' के साथ नया पृष्ठ बनाया)
पंक्ति 31: पंक्ति 31:
I refill her drink
I refill her drink
as she pulls her dress up'
as she pulls her dress up,
shows me her black panties.
shows me her black panties.
"don't these look sexy?" she asks,
"don't these look sexy?" she asks,

17:03, 29 जनवरी 2022 का अवतरण

अँग्रेज़ी से अनुवाद : अनिल जनविजय

लीजिए, अब यही कविता मूल अँग्रेज़ी में पढ़िए
         Charles Bukowski

She has fucked 200 men in ten
5 have committed sucide
3 have gone entirtly mad.
every time she moves to a new city
10 men follow her.

now she sits on my coach
in a short blue dress
and she seems
quite healthe and chipper
even looks innocent.
" I lose intrest in a man,"
she says
" as soon as he begins to care for

I refill her drink
as she pulls her dress up,
shows me her black panties.
"don't these look sexy?" she asks,
I tell her that they do look sexy.

she gets up, walks across the room
through my bedroom and into the bathroom
soon I hear the toilet flush.

her name is Nana and she has been living on
earth for the past
5,000 years.