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बेढब बनारसी / परिचय

Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज

बेढब बनारसी



बनारस को हमेशा से ही हास्य कवियों का गढ़ माना जाता है और बेढब बनारसी भी बनारस की धरती से ही हैं. उपनाम

जन्म स्थान

बनारस 'Bedhab' Banarasi ('बेढ़ब' बनारसी) was a Hindi writer in the last century, famous for his witty style of writing. He has written humorous and satirical poems in Hindi under the pen name of Bedhab Banarasi. He has published about a dozen books in prose and poetry.


बेढब की बैठक (1940),

काव्य कमल(collection of poems, 1940),

बनारसी इक्का,

गांधी का भूत और तनातन,

अभिनीता (play)[1]


The short stories of Bedhab narrate the turmoil in the life of the middle class of both cities and villages of Indian in the early to mid twentieth century. He invested humour with the dignity of a serious literary genre and endeavoured to develop it along healthy lines.


अपनी हास्य रचनाओं और कटाक्ष से लोगों के दिलों में राज करने वाले बेढब बनारसी की रचना बेहद मनोरंजक है.


Bedhab's poems deal with problems of love, romance, odernity and politics. his humorous poems present biting and sarcastic comments on the incongruities of life. Bedhab took to humorous writing at a time when the revivalist trends in the entire nation was very strong.


यदि आपके पास अन्य विवरण् उपलब्ध है तो कृपया कविता कोश टीम को भेजें