माँ के बारे में / अनिल जनविजय
तुम कभी नहीं हारीं
कहीं नहीं हारीं
जीतती रहीं
अंत तक निरन्तर
कच-कच कर
टूटकर बिखरते हुए
गिरकर उठते हुए
घमासान युद्ध तुम लड़ती रहीं
द्वंद्व के अनन्त मोरचों पर
तुम कभी नहीं डरीं
दहकती रहीं
अनबुझ सफ़ेद आग बन
लहकती रही
तुम्हारे भीतर जीने की ललक
चुनौती बनी रहीं
तुम जुल्मी दिनों के सामने
चक्की की तरह
घूमते रहे दिन-रात
पिसती रहीं तुम
कराही नहीं, तड़पी नहीं
करती रहीं चुपचाप संतापित संघर्ष
जब तक तुम रहीं
फिर एक दिन तुम
आसमान में उड़ीं
उड़ती रहीं, बढ़ती रहीं
अनंत को चली गईं
खो गईं
1980 में रचित
और लीजिए, अब यही कविता अँग्रेज़ी में पढ़िए, अनुवादक हैं जगदीश नलिन
Anil Janvijay
Regarding Mother
You didn't ever lose
You didn't lose anywhere
Went on winning
Constantly to the end
With a cluttering noise
Being scattered
Having been broken
Standing up repeatedly after falling down
You went on fighting
Fierce fight
At the fronts of
Unending confrontation
You were never scared
Remained glowing
Being inextinguishable
White fire kept on glaring
Desire for living within you
Continued being
A challenge all the time
Before tyrannical days
Days and nights
Remained moving round
Like grinding stone
You remained being crushed
You didn't moan
You didn't flutter
Remained continuing
Your afflicted struggle silently
So long you were existing
Then one day
You flew in the sky
Went on flying
Advancing onwards
Went on to eternity
You were thus lost
Translated into english by Jagdeesh Nalin