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हत्यारों का घोषणापत्र / मंगलेश डबराल

Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज

हम जानते हैं कि हम कितने कुटिल और धूर्त हैं ।
हम जानते हैं कि हम कितने झूठ बोलते आए हैं ।
हम जानते हैं कि हमने कितनी हत्याएँ की हैं,
कितनों को बेवजह मारा-पीटा है, सताया है
औरतों और बच्चों को भी हमने नहीं बख़्शा,
जब लोग रोते-बिलखते थे हम उनके घरों को लूटते थे
चलता रहा हमारा खेल परदे पर और परदे के पीछे भी ।

हमसे ज़्यादा कोई नहीं जानता हमारे कारनामों का कच्चा-चिट्ठा
इसीलिए हमें उनकी परवाह नहीं
जो जानते हैं हमारी असलियत ।
हम जानते हैं कि हमारा खेल इस पर टिका है
कि बहुत से लोग हैं जो हमारे बारे में बहुत कम जानते हैं
या बिलकुल नहीं जानते ।
और बहुत से लोग हैं जो जानते हैं
कि हम जो भी करते हैं, अच्छा करते हैं
वे ख़ुद भी यही करना चाहते हैं ।

लीजिए अब इस कविता के अँग्रेज़ी में तीन विभिन्न अनुवाद पढ़िए

A Manifesto for Murderers
By Mangalesh Dabral

(Translated By Daisy Rockwell)

Yes, we know
how sly and wily we are
We know
how many lies we’ve told
We know
how many people we’ve killed
how many beaten
how many bullied without reason
And no,
we haven’t spared the women or children

When people weep and whine
we rob their homes
Our hustle goes on in plain sight
and out of sight
No one knows better than us
the gory details of our deeds

That’s why we don’t worry
about those who know the truth
about us
We know
our strategy depends on the many
who know very little about us
or have no idea at all
And the many who do know
agree that what we do is for the best
And wish that they themselves
could do the same.

Murderers’ Manifesto
By Mangalesh Dabral

(Translated By Suvir Kaul)

We know just how devious and sly we are
We know just how many lies we have been telling
We know just how many murders we have committed
How many we have beaten for no reason, have harassed
We have not spared women or children either
When people wept and wailed we looted their homes
Our actions played on the screen, and carried on behind
No one knows better than us the balance sheet of our deeds
Which is why we don’t care for those
Who know us for what we are
We know that our performance is founded on
The idea that many people know very little about us
Or know nothing at all
And that there are the many who believe
That anything we do is for the good
And just what they themselves want to do.

Murderers’ Manifesto
By Mangalesh Dabral

(Translated By Asad Zaidi with help from Manash Firaq)

We know how devious and sly we are
How far we’ve travelled with our lies
How many we’ve killed
Beaten up, maimed, tormented
Even women and children could not escape us
We pillaged homes as people wept and wailed
We carried on our sport, before and behind the screen

Who would know more than us the true account of our deeds
Little do we care about those
Who see us for what we are
Our game depends on those
Who know very little or nothing about us
And there are many who know
What we do is good
They themselves want to do it.