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"वार्ता:कुरुक्षेत्र / प्रथम सर्ग / भाग 2" के अवतरणों में अंतर

Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज
(New page: Sorry for writing in english - my hindi editor is not working. There is something missing in this poem from the original. I distinctly remember a line that says, '''Aur isme hai lahu Abh...)
पंक्ति 1: पंक्ति 1:
Sorry for writing in english - my hindi editor is not working.
Sorry for writing in english - my hindi editor is not working.
There is something missing in this poem from the original. I distinctly remember a line that says,
There is something missing in this poem from the original. The third stanza from last is wrong. The second line in that stanza is
'''Aur isme hai lahu Abhimanyu ka'''
:'''Vajr ho kaise sakunga bhog main'''
I distinctly remember a line that says, '''Aur isme hai lahu Abhimanyu ka''', after which the second line in current content starts. Some two stanzas (I think) are missing
I don't have the book with me to type out the rest of the content. Please someone complete this.
I don't have the book with me to type out the rest of the content. Please someone complete this.
[[सदस्य:Abhilash.Purohit|Abhilash.Purohit]] १३:३७, १७ जुलाई २००८ (UTC)
[[सदस्य:Abhilash.Purohit|Abhilash.Purohit]] १३:३७, १७ जुलाई २००८ (UTC)

19:11, 17 जुलाई 2008 के समय का अवतरण

Sorry for writing in english - my hindi editor is not working.

There is something missing in this poem from the original. The third stanza from last is wrong. The second line in that stanza is

Vajr ho kaise sakunga bhog main

I distinctly remember a line that says, Aur isme hai lahu Abhimanyu ka, after which the second line in current content starts. Some two stanzas (I think) are missing

I don't have the book with me to type out the rest of the content. Please someone complete this.

Abhilash.Purohit १३:३७, १७ जुलाई २००८ (UTC)