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Kavita Kosh से
यहाँ जाएँ: भ्रमण, खोज
'{{KKGlobal}} {{KKRachna |रचनाकार=लुईस दे लेओन |अनुवादक=अनिल जनविजय...' के साथ नया पृष्ठ बनाया
|रचनाकार=लुईस दे लेओन
|अनुवादक=अनिल जनविजय

'''मूल स्पानी से अनुवाद : अनिल जनविजय'''

'''लीजिए, अब यही कविता अँग्रेज़ी अनुवाद में पढ़िए'''
Luis de León
The Life Removed

How tranquil is the life
Of him who, shunning the vain world’s uproar,
May follow, free from strife,
The hidden path, of yore
Trod by the few who conned true wisdom’s lore!

For he with thoughts aloof
By proud men’s great estate is not oppressed,
Nor marvels at the roof
Of gold, built to attest
The Moor’s skill and on jasper piles to rest.

He cares not though his name
Be raised aloft, to winds of rumour flung,
He cares not for the fame
Of cunning flatterer’s tongue,
Not that which truth sincere would leave unsung.

Translated into English : Peers

'''लीजिए, अब यही कविता मूल स्पानी भाषा में पढ़िए'''
Luis de León
La Vida Retirada

¡Qué descansada vida
la del que huye el mundanal ruïdo
y sigue la escondida
senda por donde han ido
los pocos sabios que en el mundo han sido!

Que no le enturbia el pecho
de los soberbios grandes el estado,
ni del dorado techo
se admira, fabricado
del sabio moro, en jaspes sustentado.

No cura si la fama
canta con voz su nombre pregonera,
ni cura si encarama
la lengua lisonjera
lo que condena la verdad sincera.
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